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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Finals week

I am sitting here in the computer lab at the conservatory and decided to take a little break from working on my final project/presentation on the Brahms Requiem for Oratorio Workshop tomorrow morning. 

I've been feeling much better this week after I was able to get some very good and long nights of sleep.  Now I just have to make it through the next few days and I will be done with all my final exams except for my recital and my jury!!  Friday will be the last day of finals :-D!!!!!!!

Mr. Mack McCray (the chair of the piano department here at the conservatory and the director of the Zephyr chamber music festival in Italy) stopped me on the sidewalk today and told me that I have been accepted to the festival and that they want me to come, and that they have a scholarship for me.  I am not sure how much the scholarship will be, but he said to come visit him later this evening (he is going to call me), and let me know the details.  It would be fun to go to Italy this summer!  We will see what the scholarship ends up to be.

It will be so nice to be back in Montana this summer, too.  I miss the Rims and the mountains and big wide open spaces. 

My parents might be getting me some recording equipment this summer so I can start making recordings more easily.  That would make me happy!   It won't be anything super fancy, but recording technology (along with every other technology) is advancing so quickly that I think I'll be able to do quite well with some basics. Hopefully I can learn how to use the equipment well enough to get some professional-sounding stuff.

Anyway, lots to think about and plan for! I guess I should go get back to work.

Until later...

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