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Friday, May 6, 2011


I just finished my last final project/presentation for the year!!!  I am so happy!  I wrote a fable last night based on an Italian proverb, and today we all read our stories to each other, and discussed our plans with each other for the summer, and now I am done!  Now I just need to memorize my voice music for my recital, and practice and rehearse a lot. But that will be all I need to concentrate on for the next week. I'm so excited!

I had a voice lesson this morning with Jane. She has helped me so much this year... My coloratura passage-work is getting to be so much easier for me.

Tonight I have a lesson with Paul (Ack!  I need to practice!!), and then my friend Dhivya is giving her recital at eight o'clock.

I feel like having a party.... :-D


P.S... New post on my Reflections...http://jacquelynsreflections.blogspot.com/2011/05/happiness.html

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