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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A new life

          So my new life has begun....and new music!   I have moved in with a family I know from church who is renting me a spare room in their apartment.  The room is very small, but the rent is very cheap for San Francisco, and I am so happy to have a window that lets sunlight in (much better than the dark little dorm rooms where I have spent three whole years of my life!).   I got myself a loft bed to help save some space:

I have started teaching quite a bit (I have about 20 students now), and practicing piano again!  I  have a couple of projects I am planning...and hopefully in a few months I will have some new music to post. 

I also started taking some classes in audio engineering and music production at San Francisco State University.  Tonight I had a test and a big recording session for our group project in my Intro to Recording Class.   I am excited about learning more about all of that. 

Tomorrow I teach a lesson at 8:45am, so I am going to go and get a little sleep.

Sorry such quick update after such a long break... I will post again soon.  Bye for now.... 

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