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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Next Deadline

So I just got back from my Colorado Audition... and now I'm trying to get my Ravel Concerto ready for the concerto competition at the conservatory by next Friday!  I don't know if I will actually be able to do it or not.  I just memorized the last two movements recently and they are still not solid in my brain at all.  I played it for my lesson for Paul today and needed to play the 2nd half of the 2nd movement with the music.... And tomorrow is my first rehearsal with my accompanist for the competition!  I will just have to practice every spare minute until Friday next week...  and we will see if I make it.

      I asked Paul this morning, "So do you think I can do this by Friday?"   His response was,  "You know, you interest me very much.  You played quite well in studio class last week. I was impressed that you could get up and play such a long program so well.  You're a good performer...and you like it...."      I guess I will take that as a "yes"... 

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