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Friday, October 28, 2011


Since I've been back home in Montana, I started taking ballet again with my old ballet teacher.  I really love dancing, and I find that taking a dance class is one of the only ways that I can motivate myself to exercise regularly. 

I also decided to try a new type of dance for the first time - a beginning modern dance class on Fridays.   Since this is my first time dancing modern, I am taking the class with girls who are from ages 9-13.  The movements are really really different than ballet so I feel like it's taking me a while to get used to.   However last Friday in class my teacher, Ricki, asked me,  "Do you take ballet?"     "Yes,"  I said.  "Have you ever considered coming to dance with my Terpsichore dancers?"   I was surprised because "Terpsichore" is a small modern dance company that my teacher founded here in Billings, composed of about 8 women.  "No, but I'd love to!"  I said.    I went to a performance of theirs a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoyed it - the women were all really strong and the dancing was beautiful.    So now I am going to dance with them!  I am excited about that.
        I went to the first rehearsal on Monday night, and it was difficult.  The combinations are long and complicated, and it is hard for me to remember them.   And the other dancers are all very advanced and catch on really quick, so it makes me feel pretty dumb.   But that will get better with time, right?   Anyway, it was still fun and I am sure it will get more fun as I get better!   I am posting some pictures below of the dance company:  

Terpsichore 2011 : By Maribel Schaff
The woman in the front of the picture above is my teacher, Ricki.

Credo : By Casey Rife Billings Gazette 2011Blood : By Casey Rife Billings Gazette 2011Credo  : By Casey Rife Billings Gazette 2011
They are beautiful, aren't they? 

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