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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Song, New Venture

The auditions for the TV show "America's Got Talent" are due this week, and I decided to try submitting a video!  I recorded myself a couple of nights ago in Paul's studio singing and playing a song that I wrote called "If You Really Love Me."    Unfortunately the sound quality on my camera is not too good - but hopefully they will be able to get a good enough idea of what I do.

I went to my friend Dhivya's apartment to use her high-speed internet because the wireless internet where I live is soooo slow.  I started to upload my video last night and when I woke up in the morning, it said there were still 20,000 minutes remaining to upload!  haha.  So I decided to give up.  At Dhivya's place it only took 15 minutes, which is much better!  We went and got a pizza while it uploaded.  :-)

       Now I just have to wait. The America's Got Talent website said they will contact the people they decide to put on to the show by mid-April, but they will not be contacting the acts they do not choose. So hopefully I'll be hearing from them within a month!! :-D
      In any case, I hope you enjoy my new song... It actually has another verse that I didn't include because the videos for the auditions are supposed to be really short.   Hopefully I can get a better recording of it made soon.


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