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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Good News!!!!

On Thursday last week I auditioned (singing) for the Baroque Ensemble here at SFCM.  I think probably 70 or more singers auditioned - there were two days of auditions...  And I got in! I was chosen as one of the singers to perform on the fall concert, which is going to be lute-accompanied songs. Every year the Baroque Ensemble puts on a Baroque opera in the Spring, and a concert in the fall. They chose about 15 singers for the Baroque opera, and then five more for the concert, (of which I am one!).  So this will be a lot of fun.  We will study Baroque ornamentation and stylistic practices of the period, so we can sing the music in the correct manner. :-)

This is a picture of the posting on the bulletin board at the conservatory yesterday, announcing which singers who auditioned made it into the Baroque Ensemble... and my name was there on the fall concert list! :-D


  1. AWESOME! Love the baroque period. (Although I hate it when I go through my own ba-roke periods!) Also love lute music. I've got a book of old lute music that I used to play through when I played the classical guitar. Would like to get a lute someday to fiddle with. :)


  2. You are just amazing. Simply a great talent! Miss you! Doug
