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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Two weeks

I can't believe that in only two weeks I will move to San Francisco!!!

My dad is going to drive down with me on the 10th of August. We will rent a car, and then he will fly back on August 12th to Montana.   We are driving because I want to bring my electric piano with me, as well as my window air conditioning unit and a couple of little appliances (my toaster, rice cooker, etc.). 

I wish I had more time to practice before I go, but I guess it will have to be enough.  This summer has gone by very quickly, but I have taken some time off from practicing so hard and it has been one of the more relaxing summers I have had in a looong time.   I think I needed the break.

I have some new songs I have been trying to get recorded but my software keeps having problems when I try to mix down the final mix.  I'm hoping when I go to San Francisco someone will be able to help me with it. I got a new video camera about a week ago, too, that plays miniDV's.   I got it because I want to upload some of my old performancees from miniDV to Youtube.  I haven't figured out how to get it all connected yet, but hopefully soon.

Tonight I'm going to go and sing karaoke with my friend Steph, (the one who just got married).  That will be fun - my first time ever to go out for karaoke night.

Bye bye!  

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