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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Second Scarlatti

Here is the next Scarlatti video from my recital... a slow one in B minor.  So beautiful!!!  I love Scarlatti.

       Just a few minutes ago I pressed the "submit" button on my application for the voice program at SFCM!!  I'm so excited.   Now I have a couple more applications to do.  I'm pretty sure that I want to go to San Francisco but I need to give myself some options.  So I think I may apply to the Boston and New England conservatories.  One never knows what will or won't work out...

       In only a week I will leave for my short trip to SF...    I have a lot to do before then!   Number one, practice!   I haven't been doing enough of that lately and I really do not want to embarrass myself when I play for Paul...

       The weather has been so beautiful here lately... even if a bit cold.   About three weeks ago, I woke up to go to ballet class, and there was the most beautiful soft, fluffy snow falling everywhere around.  I put on my sandals to go outside (I hadn't bothered even a couple of weeks ago to find my winter shoes yet!).   The sky was clear in the morning air and the sun was rising so everything was a little sparkly.  It was so beautiful and relatively warm (for it being snowy!), that I just stood out there for several minutes in my sandals as the snow fell around me.   Then I got in the car and left for ballet, and didn't even bother changing my shoes.   I was certain the snow would quickly melt under the rising sun... but much to my surprise, I came out of ballet only one hour later to find my car buried in three or more inches of snow!    So my feet turned into snowballs walking through it in my sandals.   Still it was so beautiful I really didn't mind. . .

        Time to get some sleep.    Goodnight!


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