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Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have not been writing on my blog like I would like to.

Life and music have been keeping me very occupied....

Last week I was feeling a little down, a little afraid. And then I thought about all the millions of things I have to be grateful for, how good my life really is.  I realized that something could happen to me tomorrow that would leave me longing for this day I have today, where I have my health, my family, my friends, my music...  Everything is okay.   So many people are dealing with problems that are so much more dire than what I have before me right now. 

Can you believe I will be graduating in two months? 

I was freaking out when I found out my student loan payments are going to be like, $1446 per month when I finally get out of school.  But then I saw that they have a different payment plan you can request if you have a low income...   I don't plan to have a low income when I graduate, it's just that making a lucrative living as a musician is not generally what one can expect... 

I love performing though.  When I was onstage for the opera earlier this month, it made me feel like everything is right in my life.  Like I am on the right path, like everything is as it should be.  I am a performer, and I am performing, and this makes me happy. 

Here's another little video, this one from my dress rehearsal before the performance.  My mom was videoing on her i-phone. 

You know what I would love to have?  An apartment of my own.  I am so tired of sharing the bathrooms, sharing the kitchen, sharing the living space at the dorms.  I've spent almost three years in these little dark rooms now... If I can find a way to make an income here in San Francisco, I will try to get my own place.  We will see. 

I sang a duet with my friend Stephanie Dietz at church a couple of weeks ago, and the Stake President (a San Francisco area leader for my church) heard it, and offered to pay to have a recording produced of it.  I am excited about that.  I talked to my friend Nahuel and we are going to start setting up the project.  It's just one song, but it could be the start of more, who knows!  I actually should call Nahuel tonight to talk to him about our plans. 

Other than that...  My recital preview (like a jury for the faculty to see if I will be ready to give my recital) is in less than a week, and I don't have all of my music learned yet (aaa!).  I'm been focusing on so many other things...   I am planning to do Bach's Cantata No. 51 on my recital but I haven't learned the last two songs yet and the last one is very difficult both to memorize and to sing... so I have a lot of work to do.  I should have been working on that all day today but I got distracted by making videos and doing laundry and catching up on a few Z's.  I feel like I am behind on everything, but I think (hopefully) I will make it through these next couple of months. 

Maybe I will go get my laundry out of the dryer and then head over to the school and work for a while.  

Until later....   

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