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Friday, March 23, 2012

Videoing, Editing.... Vlogging?

I've been working for about the past three weeks on editing a video from one of my concerts in San Francisco.  It's almost finished now.  I'm so excited to put it up, but it just needs a couple more little things tweaked before I will feel comfortable uploading it for the world to see.

I've been thinking about maybe starting a vlog (that's short for video blog, right?).  Would that be interesting?  I could video little bits of my life here and there and places I go and things I do, etc. etc.  I think it could be cool.  I think I would probably start a new Youtube channel for it.  I was thinking I would call it, "Life and Music" just like my blog here, but then I saw on Youtube that the name has already been taken by somebody else.   But "This Life and Music" hasn't been.  Is that a stupid name?  I don't know.   "This life" is, after all, the only one I've got here.

On another note, today I held a handstand for almost an entire minute without falling into the wall! That makes me happy.   Maybe if I start a vlog I'll video myself doing it next time.

Alright.  Must sleep. 


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