So anyone who knows me or has followed me on Facebook for a while knows that I am kind of big into natural/alternative medicine, home remedies for ailments, etc. I am definitely a believer in modern medicine and am so grateful for it, as well, and all the miracles it produces -- but I do believe many times simple answers and available remedies are not utilized by Western Medicine or the pharmaceutical companies simply because there is not enough money to be made on them. I also know that sometimes these alternative remedies can work just as well -- or better -- than what official Western Medicine has to offer.
Right now, in response to this global pandemic, Western medicine unfortunately has very little to offer us. Oxygen and a ventilator are our best bets (if any are available once we get that far), after the disease progresses to a certain point.
However, I do not believe that the only thing we have power to do against this virus is sit here and wait for it to pass, hoping it will not find us in our houses, or to just sit and wait for the government or CDC or FDA to create, proclaim and approve a cure, or to wait and not do anything for ourselves until our situation is so bad we need emergency medical care. I think there are treatments we could help ourselves and our loved ones with at home that could, in many cases, prevent the disease from getting that bad. While we are all bunkered up in our homes, I think it would be of great advantage to all of us to read and study about some of the wonderful natural antivirals and treatments out there, many of which have been studied and documented-- and to obtain them, as we can, for our medicine cabinets. I am not talking about Theraflu, painkillers, Nyquil, cough syrup, or any of the typical medicines you find at the drug store. Those treat the symptoms of a virus. Even administering oxygen and attaching a person to a respirator in the emergency room is still only treating only the symptoms of a virus. I am talking about substances that actually have the potential to kill the virus, or greatly inhibit it, so that it cannot so easily overpower us -- and I would like to share a couple of things that have helped me and that I think could possibly help others.
Recently I actually acquired something that I believe might have been Coronavirus (being in the Bay area and with my professions this is unfortunately not terribly unlikely). I had a sore throat for about a week, which turned into tightness in my lungs, and a very mild cough. This went on for about three days, and then all of the sudden one night around 2am I felt like I couldn’t get enough oxygen. My hands and knees were shaking, I was cold and shivering, and had a low fever of 99.3. It was genuinely frightening, and I am not supposed to be in a particularly at-risk age group. This was around Sunday or Monday of last week.
My mom had sent me some colloidal copper, (10ppm) some time ago, and had suggested that I use it in a nebulizer for any kind of lung infection. I hadn’t known about this until my mom told me, but copper kills viruses and bacteria on contact, including the coronavirus:…/2015/…/151110102147.htm .
I also have successfully used a saline solution many times before to help treat cold and coughs with the nebulizer.
I also have successfully used a saline solution many times before to help treat cold and coughs with the nebulizer.
For those who don't know, a nebulizer is a medical device which turns liquid solutions into a vapor that you can inhale into your lungs. There are two basic types- a compressor (or jet) nebulizer, and a ultrasonic (or mesh) nebulizer. The compressor works by pushing air through the liquid to make vapor, and the ultrasonic nebulizer makes vapor by vibrating the liquid at a very high frequency. I have used both kinds and they both work well. I have been using nebulizers since I was 4 or 5 years old, originally for asthma treatments. More recently I have discovered the amazing benefits of nebulizing other substances for treating colds, flus, viral infections, and anything that affects the airways/lungs. The virtue of this kind of treatment is that you can apply the medical solution full-strength DIRECTLY to the lungs at the site of the infection, thus hitting the virus directly with the solution/medication - versus ingesting a medication and it taking quite a while for it to reach your lungs, while perhaps also getting diluted before it reaches your lungs or transformed/digested into a form which would no longer be viable as an anti-viral. Using the nebulizer along with gargles and a neti-pot in recent years has reduced my need for over-the-counter drugs when I have a cold or flu to literally almost zero.
So - when I was all of the sudden feeling like I couldn’t breathe last week, I made a saline solution of:
1 cup distilled or boiled and cooled water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
I put 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of this mixture in the nebulizer and nebulized (inhaled the vapors) for about 20 minutes.
Salt and baking soda both have anti-viral/virus-inhibiting properties. Salt helps your body create hypochlorous acid to kill viruses, and baking soda has an alkalizing effect that is unfriendly to viruses as well (links to some research below). They both also have a soothing/drawing effect on the liquids in your lungs and help loosen phlegm.
1 cup distilled or boiled and cooled water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
I put 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of this mixture in the nebulizer and nebulized (inhaled the vapors) for about 20 minutes.
Salt and baking soda both have anti-viral/virus-inhibiting properties. Salt helps your body create hypochlorous acid to kill viruses, and baking soda has an alkalizing effect that is unfriendly to viruses as well (links to some research below). They both also have a soothing/drawing effect on the liquids in your lungs and help loosen phlegm.
If you make this solution, be sure to only add the baking soda to the water once it has been cooled, and do not heat the water once the baking soda has been added. Heating the baking soda causes a chemical reaction in the baking soda which will transform it into something else that is irritating (I know from experience).
Immediately after nebulizing the saline solution for 20 minutes, I then put 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of 10ppm colloidal copper in the nebulizer and nebulized that another 20 minutes.
Within 20-30 minutes of this treatment I started to be able to breathe again, felt like I was getting enough oxygen again and I went to sleep. I have been doing this treatment twice a day (morning and night) since, and my lungs and energy are gradually improving, and I have not had any more shortness of breath episodes..
Within 20-30 minutes of this treatment I started to be able to breathe again, felt like I was getting enough oxygen again and I went to sleep. I have been doing this treatment twice a day (morning and night) since, and my lungs and energy are gradually improving, and I have not had any more shortness of breath episodes..
I would advise everyone to get a nebulizer and colloidal copper (10ppm colloidal silver might work too – though this recent study showed significant growth inhibition for bacteria but not viruses in colloidal silver , and make a salt/baking soda solution to keep in the cabinet in advance of catching this thing, because when it hits (if this is what I had), it hits hard and all of the sudden, and suddenly you feel like there is no time.
If you cannot obtain a medical nebulizer in time, you could also use a diffuser, vaporizer, mister, or cool mist humidifier, or anything that creates a fine vapor without heating the solution (heating the liquid to create vapor removes most of the minerals). Just put your face/mouth directly in the stream of vapor of whatever device you have. You might have to put a larger amount of solution in a device that is not a medical nebulizer (because most of them won’t work with just a teaspoon or two of liquid in them), and just turn it off after you are done nebulizing for 15-20 minutes and turn it on again for your next treatment.
If someone is very sick, nebulizing more often would be appropriate/necessary. 20 minutes of nebulizing every hour (ten minutes each solution), or 10 minutes of nebulizing every 15-20 minutes (5 minutes each) are possibilities, but can be varied as needed. When my daughter had a very bad croup last year the only thing that helped to keep that terrible cough down was nebulizing saline /baking soda solution every hour for 20 minutes.
Also, I have a friend in L.A. that I sent a nebulizer to a while ago. He told me he had been feeling something in his lungs for a few days. He only had H2O2 (3% hydrogen peroxide) on hand so I told him he could try nebulizing some of that (The CDC itself states that 3% Hydrogen Peroxide kills the Covid-19 virus:…/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars… ). He did that for 10 minutes 3 times over the next 2 days and it went away (make sure you do not get anything stronger than 3% or you could injure yourself). I have used hydrogen peroxide before numerous times as well and it does really help clear up my lungs, however I personally don’t like it because it makes me lose my voice, BUT I would definitely do it vs. not getting enough air and having a virus take over my lungs! I might also try it in alternating with other solutions in the nebulizer. Hydrogen peroxide also fizzes and converts partly to oxygen in your lungs so I believe it could help deliver oxygen directly into your lung tissues. It is harsher than copper though, as it’s a fairly strong acid, and I don’t think you would want to use it for extended periods of time because it might start to burn your lungs over time. So I recommend getting copper. Actually I’d recommend having both - in case you find one is working better for you than the other!
Also, if you were to use copper on a baby, child, or someone else very sensitive or weak, I would probably try mixing the copper and saline mixture together in equal parts, as the copper has a tendency to be a little irritating at the beginning of nebulizing and makes me cough a bit until my lungs adjust. For a baby or sensitive person this might be too much, and the saline solution helps to buffer it.
Also, do not use an enclosed mask (especially on a baby or someone who cannot communicate) with the saline solution. Hold it an inch or so away from the face or the salt condensates/crystallizes on the skin around the mouth and is also very irritating.
My mom helped care for my brother Andy when he was in the hospital with a collapsed lung and a very bad MRSA (antibiotic-resistant staph) infection. She had him nebulizing all sorts of antimicrobial natural remedies including copper- and I doubt if he would be alive today without all those alternative treatments, in addition to the emergency care and surgery he received at the hospital.
So, let's take advantage of ALL we have available to us -- every herb and mineral and good thing God has given us on this earth - and throw EVERYTHING we’ve got at this virus, because that’s what it’s going to take. The hospitals will not be enough.
Below are links to some research showing these substances kill or inhibit viruses and/or reduce virus load in a sick person:
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (CDC itself says 3% H2O2 kills coronavirus):…/common-household-product…/…/common-household-product…/
Also here is a link to a wonderful website called Earth Clinic, which I consult often, and I just posted my nebulizing info there as well:
It has many other suggested anti-virals as well which I haven’t tried but many people vouch for and which have been studied - including things like olive leaf, L-lysine, etc. and lots more info about inhaling hydrogen peroxide for various ailments, etc.
It has many other suggested anti-virals as well which I haven’t tried but many people vouch for and which have been studied - including things like olive leaf, L-lysine, etc. and lots more info about inhaling hydrogen peroxide for various ailments, etc.
Please let me know if you have any positive results with any of these!
Also, you can buy nebulizers online pretty inexpensively right now, on Amazon, Ebay, and other retailers (especially medical retailers).
Ultrasonic nebulizer:
Here are some compressor models:
Here is a non-electric (hand-pump) model:
May our world and all of us be blessed with health and healing - in our bodies, our lands, and our hearts!
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