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Friday, August 5, 2011

A new type of practice

I think I mentioned in a recent post that I was wanting to start practicing yoga.  Well I started watching some videos this summer on Youtube, and then got a book at Barnes and Noble a couple of weeks ago:

 and started practicing on my own...

But I was very happy today because I was able to do a pose I have been working on for a few weeks for the very first time:

A failed attempt...

It's called the "Bow Pose" or  Dhanurasana.

And here's another one, called the "King Dancer" pose, or Natarajasana.

They'll get better as I get more flexible.  Right now I can only hold each of these poses for a few seconds before I fall out of them... actually the bow pose I can probably only hold for two seconds, haha. 
But I really like yoga!   I think I'll probably keep doing it now for the rest of my life.  

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