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Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I don't know how interested anyone is in what I have been practicing lately but here it is: The Ravel Concerto in G major.  I just finished memorizing the 2nd movement today. Tomorrow I start work on the 3rd...   I loooove the second movement. It really is so beautiful.

I've also been starting to bring back the Rachmaninoff 3rd concerto. I want to have it ready to play when I go to San Francisco in the fall, in case I decide to take it to a competition. We will see.  I certainly will play it better now than I did six years ago! 

I've also been working and getting ready my part for the opera in July, playing "Lucy" in Menotti's "The Telephone".  I have my first rehearsal with the opera accompanist this week on Thursday. 

Today I called my new teacher, Paul Hersh, at the conservatory in San Francisco to let him know that I will not be coming there this summer because of the opera. We had planned that perhaps I might go there for a week at some point (before I go there this fall), to get a head start on repertoire, etc.    Now with the opera and all the rehearsals I am going to need to stay in town though.  It will be fun though! 

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