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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Grind

Life is tough, you know?  You work and work and work and somehow the work is never finished, which I guess is a good thing, because if we didn't have anything to work for, how interesting would life be?  But sometimes it does get a little tiring.

It has been a long time since I have posted.  My life lately has been a bit monotonous. Not boring, but not necessarily a lot to post about.  Teaching, biking around San Francisco, teaching, eating, taking the bus, teaching some more.

I did have a recording session, however, a couple of weeks ago.   Now I need to make the editing list for the audio files so that the recording engineer and I can splice them together to create a finished product.  It's a religious song that one of my local church leaders has been encouraging me to produce, and I finally scheduled the recording session and did it.   So I will be posting that within a few weeks.  It still is very much in the raw stage right now though.

I'm applying for a teaching position at a university near here.  We will see how that turns out.

In the meantime...just sitting tight, waiting until the time is right...to try something new.  . . . . . .

San Francisco

From my last trip to Montana..... Just a little view from my airplane window.