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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blogging for the first time...

So I've been having this itch to begin keeping my own blog recently... I'm still not sure if I like what I called it but I guess "Life and Music" pretty much covers it all for me.

I'm in San Francisco right now, getting ready to audition for the San Francisco Conservatory on Sunday. I have two more auditions after this (in New York on March 1st), and then we will see what happens...

I got some good news this week that I will be playing in Carnegie Hall on March 14th! I entered a DVD of my playing to the American Protege Competition and was chosen as a winner. That makes me very happy. It won't be a solo recital (I will be performing with the other winners in the Professional category), but that's okay. I've been wanting to play in Carnegie hall for about... ten years. I almost won a recital there about seven years ago when I won an Honorable Mention in the Pinault International Competition, but only 1st and 2nd prizewinners performed at Carnegie. And then I almost did again two years ago when I won 2nd prize in another competition - but of course only the 1st prize winner played in Carnegie Hall. So now at last I get a little chance. Hopefully there will be more of them to come!

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